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Vampire Au

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Vampire Au - Page 12 Empty Re: Vampire Au

Post by Deathcap Wed Apr 12, 2023 8:25 pm

Mae nodded, considering. "It is not polite conversation, but eh... I lost my father to... well, I lost both my parents. The matrons took me in when I was just a little girl." Mae explained lightly, at peace with things by now. "I like to think I've grown since then. Porfirio helps. He's always been patient with me."

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Age : 27
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Vampire Au - Page 12 Empty Re: Vampire Au

Post by melodiousmysteries Wed Apr 12, 2023 9:20 pm

Sliet nodded, believing she understood. "Yes. That is a thing that he is." She admitted, trying to hide her dislike for the man. "Have you known him a long time?"

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Age : 27
Location : middle of nowhere in the great white north

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Vampire Au - Page 12 Empty Re: Vampire Au

Post by Deathcap Wed Apr 12, 2023 9:42 pm

Mae giggled at the other's thinly veiled distaste for Porfirio. "You don't have to enjoy him, but I promise he means well. He might not be... the most observant, but he's gentler and more honest than most. Assume he is doing everything out of kindness and care and maybe you'll feel a bit different? My matrons were... hesitant about him as well - we met when we were young, yes, they were worried he'd sweep me away, but he stayed here with us. I wouldn't be very open minded without him - he's made me better." Mae explained a bit, eyes sparkling as she spoke of the other. "Most of us have known each other a while. We all ended up here through need or no where else we could go. Mikel lost his family before this. Most of the children's parents were killed by vampires, or they were otherwise abandoned to us. I would say I could tell you a lot about any of the abbey." She told the other softly, glancing ahead to where nadia and mikel walked.

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Age : 27
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Vampire Au - Page 12 Empty Re: Vampire Au

Post by melodiousmysteries Fri May 26, 2023 8:44 pm

Sliet frowned hearing about the tragedy.  "I'm sorry." She said, unsure if she was apologizing for the actions despite having nothing to do with it, or just for the fact that any of them had to deal with that.  She lapsed into silence for a time while they walked, looking around awkwardly. "Do you go to the theater often?" She asked after a while, disliking the silence in the presence of others.

Posts : 1795
Join date : 2014-08-12
Age : 27
Location : middle of nowhere in the great white north

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Vampire Au - Page 12 Empty Re: Vampire Au

Post by Deathcap Fri May 26, 2023 9:39 pm

Mae shook her head. "These things are not your fault, I presume? So there is no need to apologize." She eyed Sliet with a friendly smile.
"And... i wish I could say so, but not very often, no, there is a lot of work to be done, but I try to come once a season at least if there is a show on." She explained.

Posts : 2276
Join date : 2014-08-12
Age : 27
Location : Canada

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