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OT/Witch Au Crossover thing

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OT/Witch Au Crossover thing - Page 2 Empty Re: OT/Witch Au Crossover thing

Post by melodiousmysteries Thu Jan 17, 2019 12:25 am

The creature ploped down in the water, sending a series of small waves out from her mass. She watched the boy struggle for a moment before reaching for him with her tail to give him a small boost and make things a little easier on him.

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OT/Witch Au Crossover thing - Page 2 Empty Re: OT/Witch Au Crossover thing

Post by Deathcap Thu Jan 17, 2019 12:42 am

Raven let out a noise in surprise when the other helped him, apologizing as she helped him onto her back. "Thank you." He added quickly, a little embarrassed, but too tired to use his shifting at this point. He set about scrubbing her, gently at first, but working the brush in swirls to clean out the dirt and soot. He worked his way up her spine, starting to speak up.

"My friends and I heard about you, and the countrymen not getting along... but, I know Ignis, so I thought maybe something was the matter." He told her, getting around her shoulders.

"I... We can change between the worlds, my friends and I. We were all given these powers. I'm the least powerful, technically, Iste's the most, technically. She's kind of the leader. Theres about twenty of us. She calls us gods, but eh, we were all mortal, we were just given these powers, so, she wants us to use them for good, so they wanted to protect the humans from you, but she let me come try and talk to you first. I'm glad I did, you're a very kind dragon." He explained, hopping down into the water once he'd finished her back, and scrubbing along her sides.

"We have a sanctuary on another world. Maybe Iste would let you live there, if you wanted. There's also Omega; it's very warm, volcanoes everywhere. Something tells me you'd like that." He added softly, smiling lovingly at the beast as he scrubbed along her neck, going extra gently along the softer plates of her throat.

"You must be very old, huh? No offense, you're just one of the largest dragons I've every seen. Aw, look at your scales, you're all shiny." He interupted, glancing over where he'd scrubbed at the soot.

"Ignis is still kind of a baby, I think. If I didn't have these powers, I think I'd be an old man by now, so, I'm glad I'm able to be around to see her grow up, I just hope I don't have to say goodbye." He added softly, coming around to scrub at her cheeks, taking a moment to scratch under her chin and glance up at one of her big eyes. "Feeling any better?"

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OT/Witch Au Crossover thing - Page 2 Empty Re: OT/Witch Au Crossover thing

Post by melodiousmysteries Mon Feb 11, 2019 10:05 pm

The dragon raised her head just out of the water, staring into the boys eyes with a mix of nostalgia and heartache. Perhaps one last time. "I am glad that you are well young one." She whispered, her voice like fine gravel, hoarse with misuse and dehydration of the past few decades.

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OT/Witch Au Crossover thing - Page 2 Empty Re: OT/Witch Au Crossover thing

Post by Deathcap Mon Feb 11, 2019 10:46 pm

Raven paused, searching the other's face in bewilderment as she spoke, his hand falling away from her chin a little, something about her voice unsettling him strangely, like an old memory returning, but it slipped away as fast as it had come.
He smiled at her sadly. "Th-thank you... it's nice to hear your voice. I don't meet many dragons who can speak in human tongues... I'm more worried for you, though...Are you hurt? Sick? I'll do whatever I can to help." He offered softly.

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OT/Witch Au Crossover thing - Page 2 Empty Re: OT/Witch Au Crossover thing

Post by melodiousmysteries Tue Feb 19, 2019 6:41 pm

"I will be well." She said in a wheeze trying to reassure the boy.

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OT/Witch Au Crossover thing - Page 2 Empty Re: OT/Witch Au Crossover thing

Post by Deathcap Wed Feb 20, 2019 11:34 am

Raven reached to pet her cheek again gently. "Will you eat?" He questioned in worry. The fish was still on the bank, but if she didn't prefer it, he was sure he could make some cats very happy.

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OT/Witch Au Crossover thing - Page 2 Empty Re: OT/Witch Au Crossover thing

Post by melodiousmysteries Sat May 18, 2019 12:49 pm

The beast hummed, waiting for the smaller creature to chase some of the deer past where they were sitting. She lunged, snapping one up and swallowing it whole.

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OT/Witch Au Crossover thing - Page 2 Empty Re: OT/Witch Au Crossover thing

Post by Deathcap Sat May 18, 2019 1:07 pm

Raven stumbled back in shock at her movement as she snapped up one of the dear, feeling his heart sink as the animal died, but he'd had to learn raising Ignis that was the way of things with dragons. He swallowed and looked at her hopefully, calling back at Ignis. "Ig, leave them alone, eat the fish, it'll waste first." He chided. As much as he knew she had to eat, he hated seeing her terrorize things, and there was a mound of the fish there that the big one didn't seem keen on. She would probably stink later, but so be it. He kept back as the large one ate, not sure how territorial she would be when eating; he'd socialized with ignis since birth and she was still a greedy little horder with some things; they weren't pets.

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OT/Witch Au Crossover thing - Page 2 Empty Re: OT/Witch Au Crossover thing

Post by melodiousmysteries Mon May 20, 2019 9:37 am

Ignis trotted over sitting politely next to raven before digging into the fish, less than politely. There was so much fish here. This was great.

The elder dragon rested her head on the sand once she was done, paying the young one little mind.

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OT/Witch Au Crossover thing - Page 2 Empty Re: OT/Witch Au Crossover thing

Post by Deathcap Mon May 20, 2019 10:32 am

Raven ran his hand lovingly over Ignis' feather back, walking away from his friend to the massive dragon and kneeling on the sand for a moment and watching Ignis eat. He'd liked fish once, but he didn't eat them or meat anymore, and the smell put him off a bit now, so he kept his distance. He rested his back on the old dragon, petting her gently, not even sure if she could really feel his touch. He thought about what to do next, where he would take this massive beast. The sanctuary might not be the best place, if she was still hungry. She'd need somewhere warm, and wild, where she could roam and have enough meat to sustain her without collapsing the ecosystem. He knew Sliet would curse him if he brought her to Muune, and many worlds had too many people. Perhaps he should consult Iste, as much as he hated it. He wondered then, with a bit of alarm, if they had gone ahead to kill the dragon and shown up to nothing, but brushed it off for now. He could move her again, but for now, it might be best if he saved his energy. "Old one, I'm going to speak with my companions, but I'll return for you soon, I promise." He told her, petting her cheek again before stepping back and shifting into the new sanctuary.

He hurried over when he found her, raising his hand in greeting, and grinning despite himself. "Iste. I took care of the dragon." He told her warmly. "Theres no need to fight..." He explained, although looked as if he was leaving something out.

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OT/Witch Au Crossover thing - Page 2 Empty Re: OT/Witch Au Crossover thing

Post by melodiousmysteries Thu May 23, 2019 10:06 pm

The elder dragon settled into the sand as the boy left, dozing off to the smacking sounds of the young one eating the fish.

Iste sat in the observatory, monitoring the different worlds, watching for anything that may require their attention. She raised an eyebrow at the fire god as he approached, looking him over suspiciously, trying to figure out what he was hiding. "Oh? How did you manage that?"

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OT/Witch Au Crossover thing - Page 2 Empty Re: OT/Witch Au Crossover thing

Post by Deathcap Thu May 23, 2019 10:29 pm

Raven hesitated at the other's unease. "She's actually quite friendly, just old and... sad. I brought her to an island on Aleph for now to end the conflict with the humans... but... well..." He trailed off, examining one of the orbs were he stood in the orrery. "She needs a more permanent home, somewhere with enough food to sustain her. I was thinking she could live outside the sanctuary here." He suggested calmly. "The forest would keep her away from people, there's plenty food, and she'd keep people away from us." He added, glancing back at the girl hopefully.

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OT/Witch Au Crossover thing - Page 2 Empty Re: OT/Witch Au Crossover thing

Post by melodiousmysteries Fri May 24, 2019 2:54 pm

Iste listened to him with growing terror and concern. It would take care of their hunter issues but it still sounded extremely dangerous. "Are you certain that would be safe for all parties involved?" she asked speculatively.

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OT/Witch Au Crossover thing - Page 2 Empty Re: OT/Witch Au Crossover thing

Post by Deathcap Fri May 24, 2019 6:12 pm

"No. She seems kind, but if she turned on us, she could kill us or obliterate the sanctuary. I doubt the hunters could hurt her, but she could do far worse to them." He replied honestly, now focused on trying to fix Psen, which was orbiting a little off-kilter. "I thought you should meet her yourself, and I'll spend some time with her and try to find out what she wants. She could at least scare away people, and defend us if it came to that, if she's willing." He added, glancing back at her.

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OT/Witch Au Crossover thing - Page 2 Empty Re: OT/Witch Au Crossover thing

Post by melodiousmysteries Wed May 29, 2019 8:33 pm

Iste narrowed her eyes at him dangerously, knowing it wouldn't be the end of it if she denied him. "If I say no are you going to do it anyway?" She asked, knowing him too well at this point to trust him when it came to sad creatures.

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OT/Witch Au Crossover thing - Page 2 Empty Re: OT/Witch Au Crossover thing

Post by Deathcap Wed May 29, 2019 8:41 pm

Raven glanced back at her, frowning. "No. Of course not, I just want you to meet her and see what you think. If you like her, we could talk with the others and put it to a vote, if not, I'm sure there's a dozen other places where she could make a home." He replied, prickly at how she still seemed to think him an idiot, but trying to be pleasant.

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OT/Witch Au Crossover thing - Page 2 Empty Re: OT/Witch Au Crossover thing

Post by melodiousmysteries Tue Aug 13, 2019 8:40 pm

Iste looked the boy up and down, nodding. "Alright, I need a moment to prepare."

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OT/Witch Au Crossover thing - Page 2 Empty Re: OT/Witch Au Crossover thing

Post by Deathcap Mon Aug 19, 2019 8:18 pm

"I'll wait." Raven replied softly, going back to trying to fix Psen and letting the other do what she had to.

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OT/Witch Au Crossover thing - Page 2 Empty Re: OT/Witch Au Crossover thing

Post by melodiousmysteries Sun Nov 10, 2019 10:52 pm

Iste returned shortly, her hair twisted into a tight braid, wearing more durable, light grey clothes. "Where are we going exactly?"

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OT/Witch Au Crossover thing - Page 2 Empty Re: OT/Witch Au Crossover thing

Post by Deathcap Sun Nov 10, 2019 11:50 pm

Raven turned to meet Iste as she walked over, glancing away slightly at her question and coughing slightly as he spoke. "An Alephian coast. It's Uninhabited." he assured, before reaching out to let her take his hand so they could shift.

When he arrived on the beach, he let go and led her to the massive dragon nestled on the sand.
"Old one, this is my friend, Iste. Iste; dragon." He gestured politely as he introduced the two.

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OT/Witch Au Crossover thing - Page 2 Empty Re: OT/Witch Au Crossover thing

Post by melodiousmysteries Thu Jan 02, 2020 1:37 am

Iste sighed, hoping it really was uninhabited and wouldnt cause her a headache later.

She took a deep breath of the sea air as they reappeared, looking around at the deer a ways away, Ignis laying down in a pile of half eaten fish, seemingly in a food coma, and the gigantic form of the ancient dragon. "...Hello." She said, waving awkwardly at the creature, looking over her in awe and trying to keep her composure.

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OT/Witch Au Crossover thing - Page 2 Empty Re: OT/Witch Au Crossover thing

Post by Deathcap Sun Jan 05, 2020 1:26 am

Raven walked over to the massive dragon and gently stroked her face in greeting again, glancing back and holding back a humorous grin at Iste's expression while he scratched his friend. She didn't look like that very often. "This is Iste, she's my friend I was telling you about." He told the Dragon.

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OT/Witch Au Crossover thing - Page 2 Empty Re: OT/Witch Au Crossover thing

Post by melodiousmysteries Sun Jan 05, 2020 9:06 pm

The beast shifted her head in the sand to get a better look at the newcomer. "Greetings young one." She rumbled, trying to keep as still as possible as to not startle the humans.

Iste eyed the two uneasily. "So... Raven tells me that you need a new place to stay." she said, clearing her throat.

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OT/Witch Au Crossover thing - Page 2 Empty Re: OT/Witch Au Crossover thing

Post by Deathcap Sun Mar 08, 2020 10:33 am

skipping cuz idk where to go

Raven searched the sanctuary for Iste, one of the hand-written tomes from the library carefully wrapped in his hand. He'd stumbled onto something troubling in one of the records of the known descendants of the gods.
He worried for Iste; he'd considered never showing her for the upset it might cause, but she had a right to know.
When he found the girl, he walked up calmly, laying the book in front of her. "Iste... I found something in the library that I thought you should see. May I sit?"

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OT/Witch Au Crossover thing - Page 2 Empty Re: OT/Witch Au Crossover thing

Post by melodiousmysteries Sun Mar 08, 2020 10:28 pm

Iste looked up from her lunch, pushing her bowl of fruit salad to the side and gesturing for raven to sit down. Had he found the location of some sort of artifact? Perhaps a whole new world they'd yet to visit. "Of course, what did you find?"

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